Monday 16 March 2015

Swap Shop- Questioning

This week Rob Greenhalgh demonstrated an activity that engages students and encourages questioning and deep thinking. Here is how to set up the activity...
The activity allows students to take a leading role and encourages participation and dialogue. We discussed many different ways that this activity could be used in lessons across all subjects. Here are the examples used today...
If you have any suggestions of how this activity could be used in lessons, please comment below...

Wednesday 11 March 2015

If you only revise 5 things for English Language Unit 1...

1. Learn DAFOREST for Q6 and language analysis questions:
2. Create and learn a list of words to help you analyse and explain:
3. Learn different ways of starting your sentences. For example, use connectives:
4. Learn when to paragraph and how to use basic punctuation accurately:
5. Give your teacher homework! Practise past papers and hand them in to be marked. Get past papers here:

Friday 6 March 2015

How to use 'live marking' in the classroom.

This week Thomas Pilsel (second in English) demonstrated how to use live marking with a student, in order to ensure that they are fully engaged and involved with the feedback process.
Firstly, you set up a student's work under the visualiser, then you mark the student's work while the student sits next to you, thereby involving them in the whole process. In the meantime the rest of the class are also able to follow along and contribute to the process.
Questioning is an important aspect of this process, as it allows you to draw out the student's understanding and enables you to ensure that progress is being made.
Some of the following questions were posed to the student:
"How can we rephrase this sentence?"
"Where should the comma be placed in this sentence?"
"What persuasive technique could we include in this paragraph?"
"Which word do you need to check the spelling of?"
"Can you see how you would improve this, in order to pick up the extra marks needed to improve your grade?"

Please let us know if you have tried live marking with your students and share your experiences below...