This week, led by Michelle Turnbull (Teacher of Maths), we shared ideas about how to prepare students for exams in our subjects. Here are some of the activities that we use to improve exam skills:
- Ask students to write their own exam questions.
- 'Pass it On' - students start a response to a question and then pass it on after several minutes, the next students then add to this and so on, trying to pick up extra marks each time it is passed on.
- Maths explained how they turn shorter exam questions into a game of bingo.
- Ask students to set the learning objectives using the exam mark scheme.
- Let students complete their answers in groups and then use the visualiser to share their work with the class.
- Using a 3x3 grid, put a revision activity in each square and ask students to complete three in a row in any direction (vertically, horizontally or diagonally).
- Set up an 'Exam Race', students complete questions and bring them to the teacher to be marked, with the aim of gathering as many marks as possible. Alternatively you could task the more able students to act as teacher or expert, give them a mark scheme and allow them to award marks for other students' work.