Monday, 20 October 2014

Keep on Blogging!

Thank you to those who attended Friday's Swap Shop, we had the opportunity to explore the 'Claytonia' blog and to add comments to the Swap Shop blog posts. We also discussed how the blog could be a useful place to discuss ideas and activities which we have tried out in our lessons.
The blog also enables you to read about what you missed, if you couldn't make it to Swap Shop. You can get easy access, from any location, to the resources shared during Swap Shop (by following the hyper-links from the posts). 

Moving Forward

Miss Mitchell has been blogging with her established team of bloggers from Stanford College for some time; so to build on this, in an assembly on Friday, we also launched our exciting plans for college blogs for each college...

Our Blogging Team will consist of...
Two lead bloggers who are responsible for whole school blog posts (topics such as PSHE day activities, team building days, achievement assemblies, form prizes, etc.
A form blogger from each form in the college.
A member of staff to manage the administration of each blog: Mrs Gimbert - Melbourne, Mrs Alam - Kings, Mrs Corbett Stanford. (If you are a member of staff attached to Trinty College and would like to be involved in this, we would be delighted to have you on-board.) 

Bloggers will aim to publish regular blog posts which will cover a variety of interesting topics.

Five Benefits of being a blogger:

  1. You will have the chance to be creative and work as a team. 
  2. It will build your writing skills. 
  3. Your work will be published. 
  4. It will be excellent experience and will look good on applications for roles of leadership and responsibility. (Prefect applications, college applications and job applications) 
  5. There will be regular prizes awarded for excellent blog posts.

Blogging club will start on Friday afternoons after half term. We will meet in a computer room and work on our blog posts.
Each form has now selected a form blogger, but if you would like to apply to be a lead blogger for your college you should:

  • Apply in writing to your head of college. 
  • Explain why you believe you would be a good person to lead the college blog (no more than 250 words). 
  • Give some examples of your ideas for future blog posts. 
  • Draft out an example blog post. 

Good Luck! 

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